Nairobi - laikipia - Amboseli - Masai Mara - mara north

After a couple nights in Nairobi to rest and see some of the sights, this safari begins in the Laikipia Plateau of northern Kenya with a dramatic semi-arid landscape and "northern specials" or wildlife found only north of the Equator. This area provides a unique opportunity to learn about the local Samburu people and their co-existence with wildlife, and a wide range of fun, active experiences as you enjoy quality family time together in the private villas.

The next stop is Amboseli National Park with expansive views of Mt Kilimanjaro from the surrounding grasslands to the snowy summit, if the clouds permit a peek, from some special sundowner locations!

The big finish is an extended stay in the world-famous Masai Mara region with excellent access to dense wildlife herds and predator concentrations as well as unique activities, like walking safaris and treehouse sleepouts, available only on the Mara's conservancies.

Itinerary In Brief

  • Two nights Nairobi

  • Three nights Laikipia

  • Three nights Amboseli

  • Three nights Maasai Mara National Reserve

  • Two nights Mara North Conservancy



Uganda's Primate Paradise


A Festive Family Safari