Karangoma Camp

Karangoma is the result of a partnership with local elder Olatotse Sarefo and is rooted in Bukakhwe San and Hambukushu culture.

The name itself is a Sembukushu word describing ‘drum beating, ancestral healing, bringing good future to the tribe, or, when one is ill, cure dancing’. It is exactly this essence of healing and harmony that the camp seeks to offers its guests in their reconnection with nature and traditional cultures.

And what better place to do that than the productive and beautiful Okavango Delta where this small, exclusive camp offers the opportunity for some truly special game viewing and connection with the natural world. Karangoma’s 6 tented suites are hidden on a shaded peninsula with gorgeous views out across the floodplains.

The 6 spacious tents (including a family room) are hidden in a wooded peninsula, shaded by leadwoods and sausage trees, that juts out into an Okavango floodplain and overlooks a well-trodden game path to the water. A bedroom and lounge (stylishly decorated in a modern take on the textures, colours and patterns of the iconic Hambukushu basketry of the northern Okavango), as well as adjacent bathroom and indoor and outdoor showers, maximise their views onto the floodplain. The lounge and dining areas similarly command expansive views across the floodplain to the water, with nearby fire pit and plunge pool completing the public areas.

While the tents are placed on low wooden decks (for high flood years), the interlinking paths through camp are all on the ground weaving through croton and mopane and ensuring our guests feel connected to the landscape.


Mahogany Springs