Il Ngwesi lodge

Owned and run by the Maasai community, Il Ngwesi offers something truly special. Visitors to the lodge have a full wildlife and cultural experience, enjoying hospitality more akin that offered to a valued family member. With no other tourist facilities within the Group Ranch, it is the ultimate personal experience.

Superb wildlife viewing from the lodge and its rooms are combined with bush drives, sundowners, bush breakfasts by the Ngare Ndare River, visits to the Mukogodo Forest and camping out overnight. If you just want to relax at the lodge, a swimming pool and an in-house beauty/massage therapist are the perfect complement to time spent watching the waterhole from the main house or hide. Visitors can also walk accompanied to the rhino sanctuary, visit a local Maasai Cultural Boma to learn about traditional hunting techniques and honey collecting, and enjoy local music and dancing.


Jack’s Camp


Onduli Ridge