Wild Animals in Kenya: What Can You Spot on a Kenya Safari?

wild animals in kenya

Going on a safari in Kenya is an exciting adventure where you get to see some of the most famous wild animals in the world. From the elephants herds of Amboseli to the big cats of the Mara to unique northern species of the Samburu, there is a fantastic range of wildlife one can come across while on safari, including Kenya's national animal, the well-known Big Five, and avian beauties, which have made Kenya a dream destination for bird watchers.

The Official National Animal of Kenya

The impressive lion, Kenya's national animal, represents power, bravery, and the country's abundant natural legacy. Seeing majestic prides ruling over the rolling plains and savannas, learning about their dramatic territorial battles and remarkable collaborative hunting strategies, this is life on safari. With some of the high densities of big cats anywhere in Africa, Kenya can certainly deliver epic lion sightings.

The Samburu Special Five

If you are looking for a new wildlife adventure, the Samburu National Reserve might be perfect for your journey. It is different from the Masai Mara because here there exists what is known as the "Samburu Special Five", which includes: Grevy's zebra, Somali ostrich, reticulated giraffe, gerenuk (a type of antelope), and beisa oryx, which all live in this area only due to their adaptation to its dry climate.

The Grevy's Zebra, different from the common zebra with its thinner stripes and more prominent ears, is a unique zebra. It's also the least common species of zebra and an exciting sight for anyone on safari. The Reticulated Giraffe is known for its unusual coat pattern, which looks like a net or web, and is strikingly different from the giraffes one sees in other parts of Kenya or Africa.

Beyond the Big Five: Other Kenya Wildlife Animals

The Big Five—lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard, and rhinoceros—are popular for every safari-goer. However, note that Kenya also has many other fascinating wildlife species. Cheetahs can be seen in the Masai Mara because this area provides a good hunting ground given its open plains, which offer little cover for their prey, making it easy for these big cats to spot and chase down what they need for food. 

Cheetahs stand out because of their fast speed, which helps them catch other animals quickly, often reaching up to 60 miles per hour when sprinting. The slim body shape, along with black tear marks from the eye down towards the mouth, gives the cheetah a graceful and fierce look in a wild environment.

An interesting species to watch for is the African wild dog, a predator that's highly endangered on this continent. These creatures are very social and form packs; they are recognized for their cooperative behavior when it comes to hunting. The wild dogs of Kenya can be spotted in Laikipia and the southern areas.

Birds of Kenya: A Paradise for Birdwatchers

Kenya is a bird lover's dream, with more than 1,100 species of birds found throughout the country. The different types of habitats available—from wetlands and lakes to forests and savannahs—make it an ideal place for many kinds of birds. The famous flamingos in Lake Nakuru and Lake Bogoria are known worldwide. Their pink feathers form a beautiful contrast against the blue waters of these lakes, creating a fantastic sight.

Birds in Kenya are a combination of those that live there throughout the year and others that come for migration, making it suitable for bird watching throughout the year. You can often see an African fish eagle around Kenya's lakes and rivers; it has a unique sound and an impressive appearance. The lilac-breasted roller is another one seen here, recognized by its vibrant feathers and unique “rolling" style of flight. The grey-crowned crane, Uganda's national bird, can also be found in Kenya.

Investigating wild animals in Kenya is an adventurous activity. It gives you a unique opportunity to experience nature and see the splendor of animal life as it exists naturally in their environment. 

Next Adventure specializes in custom safaris in Kenya, including the popular Overland Kenya Safari & Gorilla Trek Extension. To start organizing your customized Kenyan safari and get close to these amazing animals, contact Next Adventure today. Our skilled team will design a unique journey that guarantees the finest encounters with Kenya's wildlife and scenic wonders.


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